¯§„wZ G›UvicÖvBR
†µ÷ RM‡Zi GKwU wek¦¯’ bvg, Avgv‡`i GLv‡b
†`wk we‡`kx me ai‡bi †µ÷ cv‡eb, Kv‡Vi †µ÷, wµ÷vj †µ÷, †gUvj †d«g †µ÷, Pvqbv †gUvj
†cøU, Pvqbv wµ÷vj †µ÷, Pvqbv Kv‡Vi †µ÷, Pvqbv me ai‡bi Uªwd, wµ‡KU, dzUej,
e¨vWwg›Ub AviI A‡bK †Ljvayjvi Uªwd I †g‡Wj| AviI cv‡eb Avcbvi †Kv¤úvwbK Rb¨
wMdU AvB‡Ug, †hgb, gM, me ai‡bi gM cv‡eb Avgv‡`i GLv‡b, †`wk gM Pvqbv gM, me
aib‡i g‡M Avcbvi †Kv¤úvbxi †jv‡Mv wjLv cvigv‡b›U wcÖ›Umn gM cv‡eb Avgv‡`i wb‡R¯^
†gwm‡b wcÖ›U Kiv nq| GQvovI Avcbvi cvi‡mvbvj Qwe w`‡q Avcbvi wcÖqR‡bi Qwe w`‡q
gM evbv‡Z cvi‡eb gvÎ 20 wgwb‡U wcÖ›U K‡i w`B Avgiv| Kjg, †`wk Kjg, Pvqbv Kjg, Pvwe wis, cøvw÷K Pvwe wis, †gUvj
Pvwe wis, Kv‡Vi Pvwe wis, †ccvi I‡qU, cøvw÷K †ccvi I‡qU, wµ÷vj †ccvi I‡qU,
Kv‡Vi †ccvi I‡qU, KvW© †nvìvi, cøvw÷K KvW© †nvìvi, wµ÷vj KvW© †nvìvi, Kv‡Vi
KvW© †nvìvi, †KvU©wcb, Pvqbv †KvU©wcb, wcZ‡ji †KvU©wcb, GwPs Kiv ‡KvU©wcb,
Kvjvi wcÖ›U †KvU©wcb, e¨vP, †bg e¨vP, c‡KU e¨vP, ¯‹zj e¨vP, n¨vÛ e¨vÛ, Pvqbv
†`kx, †Lv`vq Kiv n¨vÛ e¨vÛ, wcÖ›U Kiv n¨vÛ e¨vÛ, Pvqbv Uv †Lv`vB Kiv hvq †`kx
Uv †Lv`vB Kiv hvq bv w¯‹b wcÖ›U Kiv hvq| †bg‡cøU, Avcbvi evmvi †bg‡cøU, Awd‡mi
†bg‡cøU, cvi‡mvbvj †bg‡cøU| Ab©vi †evW©| me ai‡bi Ab©vi‡evW© Kiv nq| wcZ‡ji
Ab©vi‡evW©, wWwRUvj Ab©vi‡evW©| GQvovI Avcbvi cQ›` g‡Zv †h †Kvb ai‡bi wWRvBj
w`‡j Avgiv K‡i w`‡Z cvi‡ev|
¯§„wZ G›UvicÖvBR
†µ÷ jvB‡b `xN© 30 eQ‡ii AwfÁZv †_‡K
ejwQ, Avgv‡`i GLv‡b `ÿ KvwiMi Øviv me KvR m¤úbœ Kiv nq| Avgv‡`i GLv‡b me KvR
†KvqvwjwU m¤úbœ| Avgiv Avcbvi KvR wb‡q mwVK mg‡qi g‡a¨ Avcbv‡K w`e| Avgiv
gvby‡li mg‡qi g~j¨ Rvwb I eywS|
Avgv‡`i wVKvbv: 65 XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq gv‡K©U,
KvUveb, XvKv-1000
Crest is a world-renowned name in the world, we will find all types of crest, both domestic and foreign, wooden crest, crystal crest, metal frame crest, china metal plate, china crystal crest, china wood crest, china all kinds of trophy, cricket, football, badminton and many other sports. Trophies and medals. You will also get gift items for your company, such as mugs, mugs of all kinds. Here, Desi Mug China Mugs, all kinds of mugs will be printed in your own machine. You can also create a mug with your personal picture of your loved one in just 20 minutes. Pens, Domestic Pens, China Pens, Key Rings, Plastic Key Rings, Metal Key Rings, Wooden Key Rings, Paper Weight, Plastic Paper Wet, Crystal Paper Wet, Wooden Paper Wet, Card Holder, Plastic Card Holder, Crystal Card Holder, Wooden Card Holder, Courtpin, China Courtpin, Brass Courtpin, Etching Courtpin, Color Print Courtpin, Batch, Name Batch, Pocket Batch, School Batch, Handbag Jand, China Desi, engraved hand band, Printed hand band, China can be engraved Desi can not be engraved, Skin can be printed. Nameplate, your home nameplate, office nameplate, personal nameplate. Board of Honor. All types are earboarded. Brass earboard, digital earboard. We can also do any type of diesel you like.
Contact us:
Smrity Enterprise
65, University Market Katabon, Dhaka-1000
Mobile: 01722 522579 10 am to 9 pm Sat to Thu day
E-mail: smrityenterprise65@gmail.com
Please call between 10am and 9pm
Our shop is open from 9am to 5pm every day
On our weekly off-drying, however, there is no ordered freight delivery, which is open until the Friday prayers. By 12pm.
¯§„wZ G›UvicÖvBR
65 XvKv wek¦we`¨vjq gv‡K©U, KvUveb, XvKv-1000
‡gvevBj: 01722522579, 01922161269
`qv K‡i mKvj 10 Uv †_‡K ivZ 9Uvi g‡a¨ †dvb w`‡eb
cÖwZ w`b mKvj 10 Uv †_‡K ivZ 9Uv chšÍ Avgv‡`i †`vKvb †Lvjv _v‡K
Avgv‡`i mßvwnK eÜ ïKevi, Z‡e †Kvb AW©viK…Z gvj †Wwjfvwi _vK‡j Ry¤§vi bvgv‡Ri AvM chšÍ †Lvjv ivLv nq| 12 Uv chšÍ|
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